Support control is the best way to monitor call center performance
Imagine you want to purchase a laptop, or buy web hosting plan from a web hosting provider. You have found numerous web sites with attractive offers. But, perhaps, the first thing you will do is...
View ArticleMeasuring customer relationship performance with Balanced Scorecard system
Any producer of products and provider of services must always stay in touch with its customer. Business is about making money, and these are customers who bring profits. It does not matter what kind...
View ArticleService desk measures improve performance of a call center
If your company is selling products or renders services there should be some way customers can contact your company. There are no ideal products, and there can be certain problems with services,...
View ArticleEvaluate cusrtomer support efficiency with Balanced Scorecard
Have you ever wondered what makes an efficient call center or customer support service? Is it only pleasant voice of an operators and politeness? Well, these are very important factors for customers....
View ArticleMeasure service desk efficiency with call center metrics
What do you usually do if you are having problems with the product or service you have just purchased? Sure, you call tech support or a company call center. It does not matter which products you have...
View ArticleEvaluate call center kpi to measure customer support service performance
What is the most important aspect in evaluation of business performance? First of all, evaluation process must be timely. In other words, business should be regularly evaluated in order to take...
View ArticleCall center scorecard is the best tool to evaluate call center performance
At a first glance a call center has a very simple structure. Customers are calling and call center operators are answering calls. So simple! But in reality a call center is a complex organization with...
View ArticleImprove helpdesk performance with Balanced Scorecard
If you visit web site of any company selling products or services, you will most certainly find Support menu there with contact details of the company call center. All reputable companies have own...
View ArticleEvaluate call center performance to improve its work
What do you usually do when you have problems with a product or a service you have recently purchased? Sure, you want to talk to representatives of a producer/provider of a service. You cannot meet...
View ArticleTest customer service performance to optimize work of a call center
Have you ever asked yourself what makes a good customer support service? Is it just a pleasant voice of an operator? Or is it instant solution of your problems and prompt answer to your question?...
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